More detail can be found in the FAQ: Click Here for FAQ Document.
How to enroll: (note: Each club must enroll independently of any pooling relationship)
A) If you have your own VACB , use the VPortal tool and click on BridgeFinesse options. Click on the MPLimit Enrollment link at the bottom. Select your Day-of-Week preferences and hit submit.
B) No VACB account: Email your authorization to Be sure the subject is: D9 MPLimit Club AND please include your Club# and desired Day-of-Week (e.g Mon,Tue…) participation. Note: Some clubs are adding players one by one, they should use the Club (not Player) enrollment option and we will automatically enroll all of their 0-100 players.
Betty Sandifer (U128 President)
Sample invitation that will be sent to all enrolled players on the Morning before the game: Click Here for Sample Player Invite